Remote Learning Archive
Here you will find resources that were available from previous weeks.
W/C Monday 22nd February 2021
Remote Learning Pathway 1:
Date |
Something to watch (on the TV or YouTube) Maths focus |
Something to do (online/interactive resource) PSHE focus -Social and emotional |
Something to watch – a video |
Monday 22nd February |
Click link for video: Lesson One |
Tuesday 23rd February |
Click link for video: Lesson Two |
Wednesday 24th February |
Click link for video: Lesson Three |
Thursday 25th February
Clink link for video: Lesson Four
Friday 26th February |
Send them to me so I can see your super paintings |
Remote Learning Pathway 2:
Date |
Something to watch (on the TV or YouTube) Maths focus |
Something to do (online/interactive resource) PSHE focus Social and emotional development |
Something to watch – a video shared from our academy staff |
Monday 22nd February |
There are no worksheets |
Click link for video: Lesson One |
Tuesday 23rd February |
Don’t forget to send them to me: There are no worksheets |
Click link for video: Lesson Two |
Wednesday 24th February |
There are no worksheets |
Click link for video: Lesson Three |
Thursday 25th February
Click link for video: Lesson Four |
Friday 26th February |
Click link for video: Lesson Five |
Remote Learning Pathway 3:
W/C Monday 15th February 2021 (Half Term)
Date |
Something to watch. |
Something to do
Something to watch – a video shared from our academy staff |
Monday 15th February | | |
Tuesday 16th February | |
Scavenger Hunt. |
Wednesday 17th February |
Thursday 18th February
| |
Friday 19th February |
Watch the poem.
Click on the image below to watch and listen to the story:
W/C Monday 8th February 2021
Remote Learning Pathway 1:
Date |
Something to watch (on the TV or YouTube) Maths focus |
Something to do (online/interactive resource) English focus |
Something to listen to – a video shared from our academy staff |
Monday 8th February |
Click link: Watch the video here |
Write a sentence about being a superhero. If I was a super hero my super power would be… |
Watch the video of me reading the story: Super Red Riding Hood. By Gemma Cary. |
Tuesday 9th February | |
Wednesday 10th February |
Answer the questions to help the robots hold both numbers needed to make 20. The video from yesterday will help you and your fingers. |
Who do you feel more sorry for in the sorry-cat, or her animal friends? Why do you feel more sorry for your choice?
I feel sorry for the dog because the dog just wants to be friends with the cat.
Thursday 11th February
| |
What Makes You Angry? List all the things that can sometimes get you a bit cross. Draw a picture of you helping an angry friend who is angry calm down. Write a sentence telling me what you are doing in the drawing to cheer your friend up. |
Friday 12th February |
Remote Learning Pathway 2:
Date |
Something to watch (on the TV or YouTube) Maths focus |
Something to do (online/interactive school resource) English focus |
Something to listen to – a video shared from our academy staff |
Monday 8th February |
Watch the video of me reading the story: Super Red Riding Hood. By Gemma Cary. |
Tuesday 9th February | |
Read the text and answer the questions. |
Wednesday 10th February |
Thursday 11th February | |
Now the end of our super hero story: The Adventure of Blueberry Boy. Finally, draw a picture of you as a superhero.
Friday 12th February |
Remote Learning Pathway 3:
Remote Learning Pathway 3:
This pathway is aimed at our more Sensory Learners, who benefit from repetitive and multi-sensory approaches to learning. Please take a look at our virtual classroom, have fun clicking on each item in the room as it takes you to a different sound, site or activity to complete together. Enjoy repeating these activities throughout the week to see how your child responds – do they begin to show anticipation? Does the activity enable them to show an emotional response? Please enjoy these together and don’t forget to share photographs through Class Dojo.
Click on the image below to open up our interactive virtual classroom:
Other Useful Resources
Jigsaw - free well-being & emotional resources for home learning
National Geographic - free activities covering history, science, geography, maths and more!
Oxford Owl - e-books for children to read at home or listen to
Singing Hands - rhymes & songs (sensory)
Top Marks - free online games & activities covering all curriculum subjects including SEN
Story Time
To return to the main Remote Learning Activities page, click Here