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Green Class

Welcome to Green Class

I am Laura Gardener, and I am the class teacher for Green Class.

Green Class caters for pupils in the age range year 4 and year 5 children.

We take a nurturing and academic approach to meet the needs of the children in Green Class and have a high staff ratio to enable us to do this. 

Our routine is structured to allow for a child-focused and adult-supported activities.  We vary this for our children daily. 

We encourage independence, communication and social skills throughout the school day.

Our sessions are both practical and formal and take part in and where possible out of the classroom environment.

We support the children in their learning experience to help reach their own special and unique potential. 

We hope your child will feel safe and happy during their time in Green Class.

The areas that we focus on in Green class are English and maths. 

These are embedded into our daily routine.  We use Numberfun songs daily to help with memory and recall of numbers and facts.

In maths we focus on:

  • Number and place value
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Money and measures
  • Addition and subtraction and money
  • Measures and shape
  • Number and fractions
  • Doubling and halving

And in English:

  • Speaking audibly, fluently and participate in performances recognising predictable phrases.
  • Articulate and justifying our responses.
  • Saying our sentences orally before writing and then punctuate my writing.
  • Listening and responding.
  • Maintain attention and participating actively.
  • Proof reading and editing our writing.

All of our English is achieved through a variety of texts.

In Green class we also provide the children opportunities to develop their independence.

Some of these are…

Personal care

  • Can successfully visit the toilet by themselves, including getting dressed and cleaning themselves
  • Can flush the toilet after use
  • Can wash and dry their hands after visiting the toilet

Life skills

  • Use a knife and fork to push food on to their fork
  • Slice/ cut their own vegetables
  • Spread butter on toast and cut it in half
  • Pour their own drink

Community visit

  • Experience new outdoor/indoor environments
  • Responds appropriately to new outdoor/indoor experiences
  • Accesses the community alongside an adult

In Green class we provide the children with a breadth of other areas.

These areas are:

Science, RE, PSHE, Music, PE, History and Geography, Computing and Art.  In each of these areas we continue to cover a range of facts and skills.

Additional Activities

To support the children’s additional needs we also include music therapy, cooking, nurture, soft play, swimming and community visits.

Forest School sessions are available and led by qualified leaders who understand the benefits of the natural environment.  They take place in our own Forest School on site. 

British Values

At Cherry Trees School, we place emphasis on instilling and upholding British Values as an integral part of our educational ethos. These values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance for different faiths and beliefs, serve as the bedrock of our school community. We believe that by promoting these core principles, we not only prepare our students for active and responsible citizenship, but also foster a sense of social cohesion and understanding. Democracy is embedded in our school culture, encouraging students to voice their opinions and participate in decision-making processes. The rule of law is instilled through a sense of fairness and accountability, ensuring that all members of our community are treated justly. We celebrate individual liberty by encouraging personal and intellectual freedom, and we cultivate mutual respect and tolerance to create an environment where diversity is embraced. By embracing British Values, we strive to equip our students with the values and skills necessary for them to become well-rounded, respectful, and compassionate individuals who contribute positively to both our local community and the wider society.